Welcome to our choir, Beare Green & Newdigate Choral Society (BGNCS), in Newdigate, Surrey.
About us
We are a long established, small (25-30 strong) SATB village choir with a professional Music Director and regular accompanist. We sing classical and modern choral works plus lighter works too. A typical year sees us participating in the Leith Hill Music Festival in April, in Dorking, Surrey: its a regular activity since the choir was formed. We also sing carols for charity at Christmas and give a concert in the summer.
We rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 7:45 to 9:45pm in Newdigate Village Hall, near Dorking, Surrey RH5 5DA.
We welcome all new “singers”: there is no audition, just bring along enthusiasm and a desire to listen and learn. Please contact our secretary for more information.
History: Our choir’s first rehearsal was in May 1910 when it was known as the Newdigate Choral Society. The choir participated in the Leith Hill Musical Festival for the first time in 1914 but it was disbanded during the first world and then re-formed as Beare Green Choral Society in 1937. Both names were amalgamated in 1974.
If you feel that you cannot sing with BGNCS but would like to support our activities why not join us as a Friend? By being a Friend you will receive a regular newsletter. Please contact our secretary for more information.